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Million Dollar Baby

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Friday, December 08, 2006
An update!!!! Finally!!!
5:08 pm

Beppu Oct06 056
Originally uploaded by misswilson79.

I know, I know, I crap at keeping this thing up to date. It's probably a miracle you're reading this at all as most of my friends have probably given up on me by now.

It's been a super hectic couple of months, Halloween came and went , we had our annual school festival, I spent two months coaching my students for English speech contests and now it's almost Christmas!!! I can't believe how fast my last year in Japan is going. I'll be clearing out my desk before I know it. But more of that later, I'll get on with telling you what I've been up to for the last few months.

I finally found a Taiko(Japanese drum) group that woud have me (it's only taken two and half years!), and it's awesome! I heart Taiko! It's the most amazing sound. If you've never seen a Taiko performance, find one and get over there quick smart. You can feel the vibrations in your chest, like when you turn your stereo up full blast but minus the pain in your eardrums. The sound and the rhythms are supposed to represent a heart beat. Apparently that's why babies can sleep through it. Reminds them of being in the womb. Anyway, I think it's the bestest sound ever. Must've been a happy fetus.

In October I went on a wee trip to Beppu (in Kyushu - the southern most of Japans four main islands) with my partner in crime, Natsuko. She's a crazy girl and that's why I love her! We stayed with her old school friend Yukie (whe's also a tad on the crazy side), and her wonderful family, Nurse Eiji and baby Yuuji. They really looked after me, and in return I've offered to let Yuu-chan do a homestay with me as soon as he's old enough. He is by the way, the cutest baby in world ever. Apologies to all the other babies in the world, I'm sure you're all very cute, but Yuu-chan is my No.1. He has a permanent 1950s teddyboy quiff, a smile to die for, and the funkiest frog and penguin suits I've ever seen. Beat that babies!

The picture is of me and Natsuko being eejits at one of the 7 Jigoku Meguri (Hell Waters) that Beppu is famous for. This town is full of natural hot springs. There are spouts of steam randomly popping up all over the place and it literally stinks of sulphur! Thankfully you don't notice the smell after a few hours but it hung around in my clothes for a good few washes when I got home. Lovely! I ate pudding and cake baked from the steam, ), I saw a Japanese Frank Butcher (so uncanny I actually though it was him at first, right down to the dodgy chain, hat and leather jacket), a hippo (yes a hippo!) and I bathed in a mud onsen once visited by Jackie-chan. Oh yes!

The mud onsen was the real attraction for me. Until I actually got there that is! I so wish I could've taken a picture but alas, due the naked people roaming around, I doubt I would've been allowed. This place sounds amazing, a natural hot mud onsen, so famous that it's visited by celebrities, one of the oldest in Japan! Oh, it's old alright and not in the beautiful, traditional style you may be imagining. Oh no, I mean old in the 'the place is almost falling down and imagine all those naked bodies that have soaked in that mud over the years leaving behind hair and skin and god knows what else' style. Not to mention the fact that the main bath is outside, so it's also filled with leaves and bugs and naked old men trying to get a squiz at your boobs! And me being the graceful ballerina that I am (or 'Fairy Elephant' as my Dad used to call me), as soon as I ventured outside and realised that all and sundry could see me in my birthday suit, instead of quietly slipping into the mud, where I would be hidden from wandering eyes, I gasped loudly, tried to make a dash for it and almost ended up going arse over tit into the bloody thing! I don't have a good track record with onsens. As if I don't stick out enough being the big white foreigner! The first time I went to one I slipped on a stone and pretty much belly flopped into the water. Thankfully, that time there were only ladies present to witness my shame. Damn those places are slippery!

So anyway the mud was gross and it gave me a rash, but I had such a great weekend with such great people that it really didn't matter. If anything, it just added to Beppu's charm. Besides, it seems I can't have a trip away without something going tits-up - sometime literally it seems! Adds to the adventure and always keeps things interesting!

So other than the trip to Beppu, I've danced with my 3rd year girls in my school festival (dressed as a drag queen I may add!), I sang with the PTA choir (in Japanese!), all my students got prizes in the regional speech contests, I've played Heaven's bouncer in a Halloween play for primary kids(didn't actually have any lines but got to wave a glowy stick around which was cool), I sang at Hamada's first open Mic night (took a few gins but I got there in the end), I've been to see Nathan in Fukuyama, I've had small children attack me for my great sticker collection, I've lost my voice, got it back again and basically just knackered myself out. It's been grand!

Bring on Christmas!!!!!
