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Million Dollar Baby

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Thursday, April 19, 2007
My Taiko Gumi
3:26 pm

Originally uploaded by misswilson79.
Aren't we fabulous?! This was the first time for the lovely Donna and I to get properly suited and booted in our taiko get-up. This photo was taken just before we performed to 150 people at a private function for some company selling health products from Singapore.

As you can imagine, I was absolutely pooping my pants. Not only was this only our second performance (the first time we performed at a festival to a few old people who were thankfully probably a tad hard of hearing and possibly even a little blind - no offence), but we would be performing the grand finale. It was aslo the first time that we had performed "Matsuri" in public. It's a wee bit tricky this one and involves playing two drums at a time whilst moving along a line of them without stopping, standing on the other girls or hitting anyone with one's sticks. Like I said, tricky! Then the top it off, they planned to wheel out the gaijin at the end (that's me & the Donna) to hold up a big banner exclaiming "GET SINGAPORE!", whatever the hell that means!

Anyhoo, whilst I feared I might pee my pants from the nerves, the excitment and the sheer exhaustion of playing, it actually went quite well. I didn't loose my sticks or injure anyone, and I managed to hold up the banner at the end without breaking it or collaspsing in a heap. Taiko takes a lot out of you you know! So, I'm delighted to say that it was a success. Partly due to the fact that the majority of our audience were completely wasted. You gotta love a good Japanese enkai. Good times gaurenteed!

Our next performance will be at the beginning of June and this time we'll be playing the entire set. EEK!!! I'm currently trying to master swinging my sticks around my head whilst jumping in the air. Bearing in mind that my dearest darling daddy has been known to refer to me as "fairy elephant", you can imagine my trepidation. Oh well, "FIGHTO FIGHTO" I will, and do my darndest not to injure myself or any others in the process. May the force be with me!
